[UPDATED: 1.26am]
Results for Bukit Panjang SMC for GE2020
Liang Eng Hwa (PAP) | 53.74% |
Paul Tambyah (SDP) | 46.26% |
PAP'S Liang Eng Hwa has won Bukit Panjang SMC against SDP'S Paul Tambyah.
Liang received 18,070 of the votes while Tambyah received 15,556.
Speaking against the government’s decision to hold the general election during the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr Tambyah thanked his voters as well as the party’s media team and volunteers.
“I think we can all hold our heads up high, we’ve done a strong campaign considering the circumstances. And as I said before it’ll be a miracle if we get in,” he said, expressing hope that SDP will do better the next time.
The People’s Action Party is leading the Singapore Democratic Party in Bukit Panjang SMC for GE2020, according to the sample count.
PAP's Liang Eng Hwa currently has 56 per cent of the votes, compared to SDP's Dr Paul Tambyah's 44 per cent.
The sample count has been a strong indication of the final result in past elections.
It is derived from 100 random ballot papers from every polling station in the constituency, taking into account the weightage of each polling station.
Sample counts have a 95 per cent chance of being within four percentage points of the final count.
As this is a sample count, the election result could be different. Counting is still in progress. The public should wait for the announcement of the election result by the Returning Officer, Mr Tan Meng Dui, which will be broadcast ‘live’ on television.
Both candidates are contesting the Bukit Panjang SMC for the first time.
Liang is a former Holland-Bukit Timah GRC MP, while Dr Tambyah is the chairman of SDP as well as an infectious disease expert who was recently picked to head the International Society of Infectious Diseases.
During the campaign, Dr Tambyah and Progress Singapore Party's Dr Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest in debating PAP over the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bukit Panjang SMC has 35,497 electors.
In 2015, PAP's Teo Ho Pin won the Bukit Panjang SMC with a vote share of 68.4 per cent against SDP's Khung Wai Yeen.
This article will be updated with the final result when it is announced.
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