'Irresponsible': Cyclist speaks out against pack of 38 riders caught on camera cycling along Mandai Road

Bicycles whizzing by on roads can be a regular sight, but to witness 38 cyclists, almost wheel to wheel, is something else altogether.
A cyclist, who was not part of the peloton, was annoyed to see these cyclists on Sunday (Oct 17) morning riding along Mandai Road while not keeping to the safe distancing measures.
The roughly one-minute footage was captured from the said cyclist's rear video camera. SG Road Vigilante uploaded the clip on YouTube the same day — garnering almost 12,000 views.
"I am a fellow cyclist and I cannot accept such irresponsible group ride [sic] during the Covid-19 heightened alert period," the cyclist wrote in the video description.
Under the latest tightened safe management measures from Sport Singapore, only up to two individuals are allowed for group activities.
The group of cyclists could be seen turning into a three-lane street, with many forming an asymmetrical single file in the middle lane.
As the video continues, the group of 38 overtook said cyclist who captured it all on tape — the incident occurred at seven in the morning.
From the video, it can be seen that many were cycling enthusiasts, and wearing helmets while some cyclists had their headlights on.
A netizen who identified themselves as a fellow cyclist was clearly annoyed at how the group chose not to "stick to the left inner lane" while cycling.
Elsewhere in the comments section, one netizen questioned if they were training for a non-existent bicycle race.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Transport announced a new rule where riders need to keep to groups of five cyclists or less on the roads — or 10 if cycling two files abreast. Those caught flouting the rules will pay a $150 fine — up from $75 — starting from Jan 1, 2022.
According to the Land Transport Authority, cyclists are allowed to ride on roads, except for expressways and road tunnels.
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