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This made my day: Delivery rider writes apology note to customer's angry girlfriend on his behalf and even dispenses advice

This made my day: Delivery rider writes apology note to customer's angry girlfriend on his behalf and even dispenses advice
Screengrabs of the exchange between delivery rider Iman and Twitter user Eden_haikal.
PHOTO: Twitter/Eden_haikal

From delivery rider to relationship counsellor.

That was the trajectory of GrabFood rider Muhammad Nurul Iman’s day after he accepted an order to deliver sushi to a customer's girlfriend.

The customer, who goes by the name Eden_haikal on Twitter, shared a couple of screenshots of the funny exchange with Iman on Twitter on March 27, about how the latter had to help him write an apology note to his girlfriend. 

Iman even gave him some relationship advice. 

The customer's tweet, that “Grab delivery riders really need to be more appreciated, man. What a kind soul,” received over 14,000 likes and 5,000 retweets.


Eden_haikal and his girlfriend had apparently gotten into an argument and as a form of apology, he ordered sushi to be delivered to her.

He then politely asked Iman in Grab’s chat function if he could help “write a note in the order”.

Iman did not immediately agree but all it took was a bit of convincing before he said yes. He even cheekily requested a $50 tip while he was at it.

Eden_haikal replied that he’d already tipped Iman before thanking him another time. 

So what exactly was in this apology?

Eden_haikal posted a photo of what was written by Iman behind what looked like a receipt, with the words he’d asked him to jot down.

“I’m sorry for earlier on. Please enjoy your meal that will leave a smile on your face at least,” it read.

While everyone loves a delivery rider who goes out of their way to provide that five-star service, Iman raised the bar even higher when he provided an insight into his life and some useful relationship advice for Eden_haikal.

He spoke about raising a young family and that he understands the situation that Eden_haikal has found himself in. 

He also remarked that fights are just part and parcel of the dating phase. 

Wise words, indeed.

ALSO READ: This made my day: Thai eatery treats girl and dad to meal after overhearing touching convo

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