Man creates ruckus at Yishun tuition centre after daughters allegedly bullied by classmate

It is distressing to find out that your child has been bullied.
Which is why this irate parent Roy Cheong Teng took to Facebook on Monday (Sept 18) complaining that both of his daughters were bullied by a classmate from a tuition centre located in Wisteria Mall, Yishun.
The 33-year-old had posted his experience on Complaint Singapore Facebook page.
Speaking to AsiaOne, Cheong Teng described how a group of five boys threw an object resembling a tree branch at his daughters outside the mall, hitting one of the girl's head last Saturday (Sept 16).
His daughters, aged 11 and 12, have been attending tuition classes at Newcastle Learning Hub's outlet for about four months, Shin Min Daily News reported.
According to him, one of the boys involved is in the same tuition class as his elder daughter.
"He doesn't misbehave in class, but he meets his four friends after tuition," Cheong Teng related.
"About three weeks ago, the boy and his friends followed her around and used expletives on her. They even threw something at her last Saturday."
The incident frightened his daughter so much that she returned home in tears that day.
Hence, he decided to inform the tuition centre in hopes of speaking to the boy's parents.
But the tuition centre's principal, Kwang, "did not want to take any form of responsibility" as the incident happened outside the tuition centre, Cheong Teng said.
He also mentioned that he made a police report and that he'd be contacting the education ministry about the incident.
When asked if he'd be finding another tuition centre for his daughters, Cheong Teng said: "It is too rushed for us to find a new tuition centre and they are now traumatised by the word 'tuition'."
Speaking to AsiaOne on Monday, Kwang said that regarding the incident, he had informed security officers at Wisteria Mall to make a police report as the incident happened at a bus stop in the vicinity.
He said that he informed Cheong Teng that a police report was made, and advised that the parent also lodge a police report.
Acknowledging this parent's concerns, the principal suggested that Cheong Teng or his wife should fetch their kids home from the tuition centre while the police looked into the matter.
Kwang told AsiaOne that he arranged for the parents to meet at the tuition centre the following morning to resolve the issue.
According to him, Cheong Teng "sat at the centre's entrance in a way that blocked students from entering and leaving" while waiting for the alleged bully's parent to arrive.
Kwang then called mall security for help, and said that the parent "shouted loudly and hurled vulgarities at the security officer."
In the CCTV footage the principal shared with AsiaOne, Cheong Teng can be seen sitting on a stool right next to the main entrance while security officers stood beside him.
To ensure the safety of the teachers and students at the centre, Kwang said that he also called the police, who arrived at the scene later.
According to the principal, the police interviewed the boy involved on Sunday, when the boy told officers that the dispute started after Cheong Teng's elder daughter commented on the boy's hairstyle, saying that it was "very ugly".
In response to AsiaOne's queries, the police confirm that a report was lodged.