Multiple cases of suspected dog poisoning prompt pet owners to issue warning about field along Parry Avenue

SINGAPORE – Dog owners are warning others against bringing their furry friends to a field along Parry Avenue, following suspected poisoning cases that have led to the deaths of at least three dogs.
Across separate cases, owners said on social media that their dogs experienced symptoms consistent with poisoning, such as multiple seizures and vomiting, after returning from the open field, which is slightly larger than a football pitch and frequented by dog owners who bring their pets there to run and play.
"If you're not aware at this point, please avoid Parry for now," said Instagram user @Bernedoodlesage – whose dog Palo displayed symptoms of poisoning and subsequently died after a visit to the area.
In an Instagram story, Palo’s owner claimed to have alerted "quite a few" dog owners trying to enter the area on Saturday morning about the suspected poisoning incidents.
An Instagram story posted by @Zeustheaussieshepherd shows the aftermath of Palo's 8-hour ordeal at the vet clinic. "We were all there till his last breath, (Palo) knew he was not alone."
An image of a sign put up along the field, with the words "dog poison" in large block letters, has also been circulating on social media.
The sign alleges that there have been suspected poisoning cases not only at Parry Field, but also in the surrounding area including Phillips Avenue and Sandilands Road.
"Multiple dogs dead, please be very careful", it warns.
The Straits Times has contacted National Environment Agency, National Parks Board and Animal & Veterinary Service for more information.
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.