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One digit less in salary: Bank employee quits job to become bus driver

One digit less in salary: Bank employee quits job to become bus driver
Lionel Lee, director of Westpoint Transit, said he had received applications from bankers wanting to be bus drivers.
PHOTO: Shin Min Daily News, TikTok/Yah Lah But Podcast

Would you be willing to give up a five-figure monthly salary to start a new career as a bus driver instead?

Some bankers would, said Westpoint Transit's director Lionel Lee in an interview with Yah Lah But podcast, uploaded on YouTube last Tuesday (Aug 20).

Recounting his conversation with these applicants, Lee, the second-generation leader of the local bus company, told the podcast hosts: "I looked at their salary on their resume and I said, 'You know that what I'm offering is not this high?'

"[My offered salary] is one number less, the first number, and I literally said that [to him]."

Bus drivers employed by Westpoint Transit will receive a monthly salary of up to $5,000 as well as a joining bonus of $7,500 or $10,000 depending on bus size.

When Lee told the applicant from the banking industry that the company could not match his current salary, the applicant said he was aware of the offered wages and explained that he has a vocational licence and has been driving buses on weekends.

This admission itself, "was mind-blowing" to Lee. 

"I know [I will be taking a huge pay cut], but I don't want to do this job anymore, it's very stressful," said the bank employee.

"And driving buses is what frees my mind, it's what gives me that feeling of satisfaction."

Lee told the podcast hosts that one applicant also said the attractive wage is the chance for him to justify a career change to his parents.

"[It] gives us a lot of meaning to what we're doing," said Lee.


It was earlier reported that 30 Singaporeans, including five university graduates have been hired by Westpoint.

Lee told Shin Min Daily News in July that some of them used to be white-collared workers such as bank employees and developers, who were finally willing to make a career switch because of the company's revised pay structure.

"Many of them joined because of their passion and this salary can allow them to continue to provide for their families in the long term."

Over 1,400 people have applied for the role since last December, and the recruitment driver will be extended as the company expands its bus fleet.

ALSO READ: This local bus company is offering $5,000 salary, $10k sign-up bonus in bid to draw younger hires and counter stereotypes

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