Otters stop traffic in CBD, Acres monitoring situation

Traffic came to a standstill outside International Plaza in Anson Road yesterday morning when a family of six otters decided to go for a walk along the road.
A video of their escapade was posted on Facebook page Singapore Taxi Driver, which had about 1,000 shares as of last night.
A man in a neon vest can be seen directing traffic away from the otters.
After a while, the otters run to the pavement and into the bushes while a crowd of onlookers film them with their mobile phones.
Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres) deputy chief executive officer Kalai Vanan told The New Paper it was in touch with the National Parks Board and OtterWatch and is monitoring the situation.
OtterWatch is a group that provides information and updates on otters in Singapore. Its Facebook page has more than 41,000 likes.
Mr Vanan said: "We need to understand where and how they appeared in the Central Business District to try and avoid a similar situation in the future.
"It is not viable to catch and relocate the entire family as any attempt can potentially cause the otters to frantically disperse, increasing the chances of accidents."
It asked people to not crowd around the otters and instead give them space.
National University of Singapore biology lecturer N. Sivasothi, who heads OtterWatch, told TNP: "These otters likely came from the Singapore River. While we don't see it, Singapore is connected by drains and canals.
"It is a network that otters can use to reach dry land. Otters are always exploring new territories too."
Ottercity, another group that provides information and updates on otters, identified the family as the Zouk 6.
They were given the name as they live near Jiak Kim Bridge along the Singapore River, near Zouk.
This article was first published in The New Paper. Permission required for reproduction.