A man was caught answering nature's call in broad daylight.
From the CCTV footage that was shared on Facebook, the incident happened on Monday (Sept 4) at 5.55pm.
The minute-long clip first showed a white private-hire vehicle reversing, before coming to halt in front of a house at Goldhill landed estate.
The driver calmly strolled behind the car, unzipped his shorts and relieved himself.
"Uncle, why do you park and then pee openly in front of people's houses? Surely you know that CCTV cameras are everywhere now," said the netizen who posted the video on social media.
In the comments, netizens were shocked by the incident.
"We don't live in the 70s or 80s. Now there's cameras everywhere. Really needs guts to do it," said a netizen.
"He's just territorial," wrote another netizen, likening the man to a dog that's marking its territory.
Under the Environmental Public Health Act, it is an offence to urinate or defecate "in or upon any street, arcade, vacant land, river, canal, ditch, drain or watercourse or in any place to which the public has access except in any sanitary convenience provided for such purpose."
The penalty is a fine of up to $1,000 for a first offence, and up to $2,000 and $5,000 for the second and third offence respectively.
ALSO READ: Public transport or public toilet? Woman pulls down shorts to pee on MRT train