Money at the root of breakup
This is what national paddler Li Jiawei has to say about her 51/2-year relationship with national shuttler Ronald Susilo, after it was reported that he is considering legal action against her to recover some $50,000 to $100,000.
Li asks Susilo to resolve differences after Olympics
Let us resolve our differences after the Beijing Olympics in August.
Break up blues
Radio 91.3 DJs Petrina and Joe explain how things between two athletes can get a little er...competitive
Q&A with Li Jiawei
Wearing a vibrant red top, Li was cool and collected during the 12-minute session. Of the 21 questions fielded by the reporters, most were answered by her lawyer Mr Raymond Lye.
Whose ring is she now wearing?
She is no longer wearing the larger than 1-carat diamond ring that her ex-fiance, national badminton player Ronald Susilo, bought her for their engagement.
'Let a third party settle this matter'
Let us settle this through mediation.
Jiawei hits back
Is he trying to ruin my Olympic dream?
Love story soured by differing personalities
The Ronald Susilo-Li Jiawei romance started soon after they met in May 2002, at an event for athletes bound for the Manchester Commonwealth Games that year.
Ball's in your court, Jiawei
It had already become a fairytale romance without the happy ending.
Love-all, over
The relationship that had been dragging on for the past 11/2 years finally ended last week.
Stop this nonsense
That was what national badminton player Ronald Susilo felt after he read a news report yesterday morning about his rumoured split with fiancee Li Jiawei.
Just call me Mr Badminton
Believe it or not, that is now badminton player Ronald Susilo's new Chinese name (In hanyu pinyin, it reads Lin Yu Feng').
Susilo can sing?
He's always singing along to the radio in the car!
Susilo, Susilo, where art thou?
He sat there, on a plastic chair at Changi Airport Terminal 2.
His voice hoarse from rooting for Jiawei
The first thing Ronald Susilo said - in a hoarse voice - when he appeared before the welcoming crowd was: 'Sorry for my voice.
Li Jiawei is Young Woman Achiever
When Singapore's top paddler Li Jiawei told fiance Ronald Susilo that she had been named Young Woman Achiever, his first question was: 'Why wasn't I picked too?'
Learning Mandarin
Movies and listening to music by Westlife and the Backstreet Boys is Susilo's thing - reflecting his late 90s teenage inspirations.
Why couples can't live on love alone
Call me unromantic, a party pooper or a spoilsport, but there is no truth at all to the statement that "love conquers all".
Love & body language explained
Ever wonder what signals you and your date are sending
with your body language?
How to identify the look of love - or lust
Members of the opposite sex can spot whether somebody
is after a one-night stand or something more permanent just by looking at their face.
Lessons from a matchmaker
Search up a great image consultant. Revamp my image. Get a new haircut. Have a complete makeover. As they say, first impressions count.
First year of marriage the hardest
Marriage, as everyone knows, is no walk in the park. And this can be particularly true in the first year.
Most likely to make or break a relationship:
Social / cultural upbringing
Family or friends
Personal habits
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