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Biden administration issues rule that could curb 'gig' work, contracting

Biden administration issues rule that could curb 'gig' work, contracting
Mary Garcia, from New England United 4 Justice, gestures to a tour bus and holds a sign reading "Big Tech Follow the Law" at a demonstration opposing a ballot campaign by companies such has Uber, Lyft and Door Dash to exempt their companies from some labour laws outside the Massachusetts Statehouse in Boston, Massachusetts, US, June 22, 2021.
PHOTO: Reuters file

The US Department of Labour on Tuesday (Jan 9) issued a final rule that will force companies to treat some workers as employees rather than less expensive independent contractors, in a move that has riled business groups and will likely prompt legal challenges.

The rule is widely expected to increase labour costs for businesses in industries that rely on contract labour or freelancers, such as trucking, manufacturing, healthcare and app-based "gig" services.

Most federal and state labour laws, such as those requiring a minimum wage and overtime pay, apply only to a company's employees. Studies suggest that employees can cost companies up to 30 per cent more than independent contractors.

The rule will require that workers be considered employees rather than contractors when they are "economically dependent" on a company.

It replaces a Trump administration regulation favoured by business groups that said workers who own their own businesses or are free to work for competing companies can be treated as contractors.

The new rule adopts a standard that courts have used for years to determine the proper classification of workers. That standard looks at several factors including the degree of control companies exercise over workers and whether the work performed is an integral part of a company's business.

The Labour Department said it does not expect the rule to lead many companies, let alone entire industries, to reclassify workers. But it will enable more effective enforcement against businesses that purposely misclassify workers to save money, the agency said in the rule.

It does not go as far as wage laws in California and other states that place even greater limitations on independent contracting.


Business groups and Republican lawmakers strongly criticised the rule on Tuesday, saying it will cause millions of workers to lose opportunities to earn money and would create confusion that will spur costly litigation.

US Senator Bill Cassidy, a Republican from Louisiana, said in a statement that he would introduce a resolution to repeal the rule. Cassidy said the rule would bolster labour unions' efforts to increase their membership, as independent contractors and freelancers cannot join unions.

The rule is set to take effect on March 11.

Acting US Labour Secretary Julie Su during a call with reporters on Monday said the misclassification of workers as contractors rather than employees particularly harms low-income workers who would benefit the most from legal protections such as a minimum wage and unemployment insurance.

"A century of labour protections for working people is premised on the employer-employee relationship," Su said.

Worker advocates and some Democratic officials praised the rule, saying it was necessary to ensure basic protections for workers.

"Worker misclassification also undermines law-abiding businesses that are forced to compete with dishonest employers who use misclassification to unfairly cut down on labour costs," US Rep. Bobby Scott, a Democrat from Virginia, said in a statement.

But according to some business groups, the rule tips the scales too far in favour of finding that workers are employees rather than contractors, which will deprive millions of workers of flexibility and opportunity.

"Making matters worse, the rule is completely unnecessary, as the Department continues to report success in cracking down on bad actors that are misclassifying workers," Marc Freedman, vice president at the US Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement. He added that the Chamber, the largest US business group, is considering challenging the rule in court.

Potential impact on 'gig' workers

The Labour Department has said the rule was designed to crack down on industries, including construction and healthcare, where misclassification of workers is common. But its potential impact on app-based delivery and ride-hailing services, whose business models depend on contract "gig" labour, has garnered the most attention.

Chamber of Progress, a trade group that represents tech companies, said the rule could impact gig workers depending on how the Labour Department enforces it. Reclassifying independent contractors as companies' employees would negatively impact an estimated 3.4 million gig workers, resulting in US$31 billion (S$41 billion) in lost income, the group said.

Companies including Uber Technologies and Lyft have expressed concerns about the rule but also have said they do not expect it to lead to their drivers being classified as employees.

Uber, Lyft and DoorDash in separate statements said they did not expect the rule to change the way they do business.


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