Hong Kong police arrest man over anti-US graffiti at consulate

HONG KONG — Hong Kong police arrested a man on Tuesday (June 13) who spray painted anti-American graffiti on the wall and a gate of the city's US consulate, police and media said.
Footage from Broadcaster Now TV showed the word "hegemony" in English and the words "double standards" in simplified Chinese characters, which are used in mainland China.
The incident comes as tensions are high between China and the United States over issues including Taiwan and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
China often accuses the United States of pursing hegemony and adopting double standards over issues such as human rights and democratically governed Taiwan, which China claims as its territory.
The US consulate in the Chinese-ruled, former British colony did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Police said in a statement they had arrested a man at the address of the consulate but did not respond to a request for further comment.
Now TV said the suspect, detained on suspicion of criminal damage, was a 47-year old man with a two-way permit to the Chinese mainland, which are normally issued to Chinese nationals.
The words were painted in white below a US consulate sign and below a US State Department seal on a main black gate. Guards covered the writing with black plastic sheets.
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Source: Reuters