RealityOS trademark filing hints at imminent announcement
![RealityOS trademark filing hints at imminent announcement](
With Apple's WWDC 2022 slightly more than a week away, trademark filings for realityOS recently appeared online including the US Patent Trademark and Office (USTPO).
@ParkerOrtonlani shared on Twitter that the realityOS trademark "is being filed around the world on June 8, 2022" by a company that does not seem to exist.
The filings are stated to be under a company, Realityo Systems LLC which has a corporate address that Apple has used in the past for holding macOS California release names ahead of the official announcement.
The trademark is filed specifically for "wearable computer hardware" and was found to be originally filed on Dec 8, 2021, which is about two months before the term appeared in Apple's source code.
He also noticed that the deadline for the trademark filing is June 8, 2022, which is two days after Apple's WWDC 2022 keynote and find this to be more than just a coincidence. There is also another filing with the USPTO, but the foreign filing date deadline is indicated as June 9, 2022.
RealityOS is believed to be the platform for Apple's upcoming mixed reality headset. Bloomberg claimed in December 2021 that the mixed reality headset will have its own App Store.
The mixed reality headset is expected to arrive early next year even though Apple reportedly presented the device to its board members earlier this month.
This article was first published in HardwareZone.