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E-Junkies: 'My best lie is convincing everybody I'm a tai tai', says Irene Ang in new game show with Naomi Neo, Xenia Tan, Charlie Goh, Lee Teng

Everybody lies but not everybody is good at it.

Recently, AsiaOne spoke with Irene Ang, Lee Teng, Naomi Neo, Xenia Tan and Charlie Goh during the filming of their new online game show The Hunt and discussed the art of lying in their real lives as well as on the show.

In The Hunt, participants are separated into playing roles of wolves, gods, the magician and civilians. In general, they have to lie and avoid being 'killed' by the wolves and to stay 'alive' till the end of the game in order to win.

The fixed cast members are Irene, Xenia and Lee Teng, while different guests, such as Charlie and Naomi, will appear on each episode.

Given that the game show relies heavily on their lying skills, AsiaOne asked the cast members what their best lie in life is.

Veteran actress Irene, 54, who played tai tai Rosie in popular Channel 5 sitcom Phua Chu Kang alongside Gurmit Singh, said wittily: "My best lie is convincing Singapore that I am a tai tai."


Tai tai is a Cantonese term referring to a wealthy woman who doesn't need to work as her husband or family funds her lifestyle, and is typically an aspiration for some.

"Everything about Rosie is everything I hate… She wears chunky earrings and tight and colourful clothes, but I don't even like colourful clothes. I lived that life for 25 years."

"If you Google my age, it's not my real age. I am actually one year older. I was eight years old when I came to Singapore. People didn't know so they thought I was seven years old," television host Lee Teng, real age 40, admitted.

Actress Xenia, 29, revealed that she told Charlie that she was wearing a wig that morning, which was not true: "I need to apologise to Charlie… He hasn't realised it till now. Thanks for giving me a chance to unwind my lie."

Actor Charlie, 35, added in fake outrage: "She told me she shaved her hair for another show. I kept staring at her head and it looks real, I could see her scalp and baby hair!

"We weren't close friends, so I didn't think she would lie to me."

For himself, Charlie said his best lie is his social media content which is "not 100 per cent accurate of what happens in real life".


We also asked them about their most guilty lie in real life.

Naomi shared earnestly: "I lie that I remember someone when I don't. Sometimes, people come up to me enthusiastically and recall when we met, but I don't remember.

"I just say, 'Yes I think I do…' in hesitation and hopefully they can tell I don't remember. But usually they can't tell."

Charlie revealed that he lies when friends ask him out and he "really doesn't want to go", while Lee Teng said that when his parents ask him how his life is going, he "won't tell them the bad stuff… as I don't want them to worry".

'My Chinese is bad, so we complement each other'

We also tossed them rapid fire questions, and they have to vote for one of the five cast members present.

When asked who they want to partner with in a zombie apocalyptic survival game, Lee Teng and Irene chose each other.

"I think she has more life experiences and thus, she is more convincing," Lee Teng explained.

Irene added energetically: "My Chinese is bad (and Lee Teng's is good), so we complement each other. I am passionate and Lee Teng is calmer, which is what I lack.

"Both of us are tall so we can see further. We are physically and mentally compatible."


Naomi chose Xenia, explaining: "She is analytical, and brings out a lot of facts, so she is very convincing.

"She is smart and quick-witted, which is needed in a zombie game. And she's a girl, so it's easier for us to help each other out."

Charlie chose Lee Teng as he is "very quick-witted", but added that he may also choose Naomi who seems willing to do hard tasks.

Lee Teng was also Xenia's choice. She said: "In a zombie apocalypse, I can't be calm and composed, so I need someone to guide me. I was trying to see who has leadership skills but who I still see as an equal…

"Irene is very experienced and I respect her too much, so we can't be equals. Whatever she says, I will listen and say 'yes' with a bow, then I go and die or something."

Watch our video for the full interview, which also includes AsiaOne speaking with local actor Wang Weiliang, who is the executive producer for The Hunt.

The Hunt will be released online in December.

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