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Sit on swings, view cherry blossoms: The sweet things What Comes After Love's Kentaro Sakaguchi and Lee Se-young did to bond

Sit on swings, view cherry blossoms: The sweet things What Comes After Love's Kentaro Sakaguchi and Lee Se-young did to bond
Japanese actor Kentaro Sakaguchi and South Korean actress Lee Se-young, the leads of upcoming drama What Comes After Love
PHOTO: Instagram/Kentaro Sakaguchi, Instagram/Lee Se-young

The upcoming drama What Comes After Love features South Korean and Japanese talents, but leads Kentaro Sakaguchi and Lee Se-young didn't let the language barrier stop them from bonding behind the cameras.

AsiaOne attended the press conference for the series yesterday (Sept 12), where they, as well as director Moon Hyun-sung and fellow cast members Hong Jong-hyun and Anne Nakamura, were in attendance.

Kentaro, 33, and Se-young, who turns 32 in December, talked about how they got along on and off the set.

"When I was speaking with Kentaro, I would try to speak in Japanese and he would answer in Korean… For me when we first started filming, since the language was different, I felt a little bit nervous," said Se-young.

"That was a difficulty but we overcame that."

Kentaro added that Se-young's Japanese improved quickly: "I was amazed… I could tell that she worked hard learning the language and I respect that."

In the drama, Se-young plays Hong Yi, a Korean student studying in Japan. She meets Joon Go (played by Kentaro) and they fall in love, but experience a heart-shattering break-up.

Five years later, Hong Yi is engaged to Kim Min-joon (Jong-hyun) and though she tries to forget Joon Go, fate brings them back together in South Korea.

When asked about their first impressions of each other, Kentaro recalled that Se-young was "quiet, calm and cool" at first.

"But I later found that she's kind of cute, and she's really serious, passionate and smart about making her character come alive," he said.

Se-young said she could see that Kentaro was similar to Joon Go: "He's kind of the boyish and goofy version of the character."

The two shared how they made an effort to build chemistry by getting to know each other.

"To refresh ourselves, we would go to a small park and sit on the swings. We weren't acting but that time was quite important for us and I was very grateful that we had that opportunity so we could grow closer," said Kentaro.

Se-young revealed that they had some private time together before filming began and when Kentaro first came to South Korea. They ate, drank and went cherry blossom-viewing together.

"When the cherry blossoms bloom, there is a very nice path in an apartment complex and I asked him if he wants to come along… We took a stroll," recalled Se-young.

"The cherry blossoms were everywhere, there was a nice scent and I told him that I liked this stroll."

She added that when she was filming in Japan, Kentaro was shooting another project and could not come to see her on set but tried to provide "similar opportunities".

'I felt that the relationship was so beautiful'

What Comes After Love is adapted from a novel of the same name.

Though the drama is set to air soon, there's not much about it besides the short synopsis and teasers online.

During the press conference, the cast shared more about their respective characters and how their roles differed from their personalities in real life.

"Hong Yi is very honest and I thought she was very expressive too. That's quite similar to how I am, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't get hurt often and I think I have a stronger mind," said Se-young.

"I just wish she had a stronger mind… perhaps Joon Go and Hong Yi would never have to be separated. Because when I was shooting in Japan, I felt that the relationship was so beautiful."

She added that many couples decide to break up due to a lack of understanding, and she eventually accepted that reality. "But still, the relationship was too beautiful to be broken up."


Kentaro thought it was "amazing" that Joon Go never stopped loving one woman even after five years of separation.

"That kind of energy and level of devotion to one person was something that I respect so much. I don't dislike Joon Go, this is not something I dislike about him but I just wish he could have said one thing and that could have saved the relationship," he said.

"I think perhaps he was too quiet. He decided not to express his thoughts and emotions… That part makes Joon Go who he is."

Jong-hyun said that Min-joon is someone who gives Hong Yi "unconditional love" and expresses his affection for her. "He isn't calculative and he's very honest about his feelings. 'I like you, and this is why I'm like this.' I like that kind of attitude."

He then laughed, adding that if Min-joon had discovered his love for Hong Yi earlier on, then she might not have gone to Japan. "I'm saying this half jokingly, but I just wish that he expressed his emotions earlier."

Anne, who plays Kanna Kobayashi, likes her character's confidence.

"People tell me I'm like that but I'm not half as confident as Kanna. But I also feel like she didn't have to be obsessive about Joon Go," she remarked.

"She's really into him but I feel like she could've given up in the middle."

'I believe in faith and destiny'


The cast was asked if they believe in unchanging love.

"I do believe in it. I believe in destiny, I believe that love didn't just arrive to you. I believe in a miracle… I believe in faith and destiny," said Se-young.

Kentaro gave an abstract answer: "Love is something intangible. You can't see it but it's there… I think there's colour, texture and weight to it too. So sometimes love will make you happy but sometimes it will pierce, hurt and threaten you.

"So if you think about it, love does exist, that's for sure, but the timing, person and conditions in the environment are the elements that will impact and change love."

Jong-hyun found the question difficult and said his answers kept changing as he heard the responses from the others, but concluded that unchanging love exists.

"I'm not sure if that kind of love will come to me… Congratulations if any of you experience it," he laughed.

Anne shared the general consensus: "As time goes by, love could change, but what's at the core of it? I think the essence of that love still persists."

What comes after love?


While Se-young concluded that the basis of love is "deep and complete understanding" - a lesson she learned from the show - Kentaro hopes that viewers will think about the "purity of love" and "what love is about".

"Even though nationalities and races are different, I think everyone has the same feelings about love. There's a kind of powerful love that we all feel universally," he said.

He added he's really glad people around the world will get to watch the show: "If they could really think about what love is while watching our drama, I think that'll be like a gift to our audience."

Jong-hyun joked that "all the good comments" have been shared by the two, but shared his piece: "When our audiences start watching the show, I'm sure past memories will emerge… when you go back to those memories, perhaps there'll be an opportunity for you to take on a different perspective of what happened. If our show gives you that opportunity, I think it'll be meaningful."

Anne added: "What comes after love? I haven't really thought about that… I'm sure there're different types and shapes of love and there are some things you think about after what happened. I hope you take the opportunity to think about that once the show airs."

What Comes After Love premieres Sept 27 on Viu, with a new episode every Friday.



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