'Fatty hit my jaw when I was carrying son': Joshua Ang's wife claims former actor was abusive

It was just two days ago that former actor Joshua Ang made the announcement about his divorce on his social media channels. The news caught many by surprise, including local director Jack Neo who worked with him on the I Not Stupid films and the latest The Diam Diam Era.
Joshua didn't disclose the reason for the divorce but just last night (Dec 15), his estranged wife Shannon Low shared her side of the story on Instagram. In a series of Instagram Stories, Low claimed that Joshua was an "abusive, violent and irresponsible father" who is lying and victimising himself to the media.
Joshua and Low married in 2018 and had their son, Jed, in the same year.
Joshua, 31, has told AsiaOne the allegations against him are "false and baseless" and he will be seeking legal counsel. He also said the root of the divorce was "financial issues".
ALSO READ: I Not Stupid former actor Joshua Ang divorces wife after 2 years
On her Instagram, Low said that the final straw for her was when "fatty hit my jaw while I was carrying Jeddy" and that she's only spilling the beans because Joshua wanted to "start spilling your juicy news". Low also claimed that she kicked him out of the house.
She shared comments from netizens who had allegedly observed abusive behaviour from Joshua in public and said that they were true.
One of the comments read: "Maybe it's good news for the wife. I ever witnessed once how bad he treated his wife and son while eating claypot frog legs at Geylang. The table is just beside mine. Very bad temper shouting at the wife and scolding her vulgars [sic] in public, ignoring the son crying and the wife still kept silent.
"After [the] argument, he just walked off like that and left them alone at the coffeeshop. The poor wife still continued eating and feeding the son despite many people looking. And he never came back at all even after I left with my family."
This was just "one of the many abusive incidents after marriage", wrote Low.
According to Low, Joshua allegedly hit her and "smashed and destroyed so many things at home in front of Jeddy". One of the items was their television, which Low shared a photo of and said it was smashed and replaced multiple times. Low also alleged that Joshua would shout at mother and son when she told him not to drive recklessly with Jed in the car; and that he stole money from her.
She added: "If you 'love' your son so much, you wouldn't cut the electricity/water/wi-fi/house insurance without informing [us]. I wanted to prepare milk for Jed first thing in the morning, realised no water. Jed soiled his diapers, also no water to clean him. Needed a week to reinstate everything."
Their neighbours also weren't spared from his abusive behaviour, Low claimed. She said that he "super glued" their pregnant neighbour's gate, "threw away their stuff" and "mocked them". And when Low tried to tell him to leave them alone, he would scold her for siding with them. She also alleged that he has used a "knife and electrical drill to threaten me while arguing".
Low added that he "wiped out all our chat history from me" and she didn't succeed on obtaining a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against him due to a lack of evidence of his violent behaviour.
She also shared a screengrab from a neighbour's CCTV footage of Joshua at their door when he apparently came back to collect his things, the gate was locked and he didn't want to wait for Low's mother. She wrote: "He called the locksmith down to damage the digital lock to 'take' his things, or rather, loot the whole house."
In response to AsiaOne, Joshua denied all of Low's claims and said that when he returned to the house, four policemen were present and "advised me to get a locksmith". He also said that she "didn't kick me out of the house" and that he has "facts and evidence to show I left the house".
Joshua also published Instagram Stories addressing the issue, saying that "there are always two sides to a story" and that he's "staying silent" for now on the things she has done because he doesn't want it to be "blown out of proportion".
He wrote: "As for the truth, we are still going through multiple court cases. I will publish my affidavit for all to see when the time is right, if need be. So before the truth is out, don't believe what you read or hear on the internet. Honestly, I'd choose to settle this amicably because I believe marriage and divorce are both private matters."
As for the PPO, he clarified that the District Judge "dismissed it on Oct 23, even saying the allegations were ridiculous".
"I'm going through an Access Order now because she's denied me access to my child for 194 days. And with regards to the current matter, I am taking legal actions against her tomorrow, and will spare no expense for my reputation. I have the utmost faith in the Singapore judicial system, and I assure you, that the truth will come to light," he said.
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