No joke: 'Spider-Man' Tom Holland rears live chickens because supermarkets have no eggs

No eggs? Then Tom Holland's going to rear himself some chickens.
In an Instagram Story on Mar 22, the friendly neighbourhood Marvel actor (who plays Spider-Man in the movies) shared that amid the coronavirus pandemic, the supermarkets were empty and cleared of eggs. Hence, the 23-year-old decided to get some chickens so that they could become "the source of eggs".
"With everything that's going on, the supermarkets are all empty. There's no eggs; we have no eggs. So we thought to solve that problem, we would become the source of eggs. Now, we're the owner of chickens," he said in the video while clutching one under his arm who quickly took off when he let it go.
We guess he's going to be getting his money's worth with those free-range eggs.
Clearly, his eggs-cellent idea tickled netizens who couldn't stop gushing about his fowl and how they've been named (Predator, Ranger, and Chestnut)
Prior to 'playing house' with his hens, Tom also shared on Instagram that he, like other celebrities, was "self-isolating at home". However, that's because he had fallen ill, though he doesn't think he's contracted Covid-19.
The British actor explained that he "felt fine" one day and woke up the next day feeling "awful", and that he was "really ill" on the "first day".
"I woke up feeling really not really well, but I'm going to try to be a little bit more present on my Instagram during this time because I have nothing else to do," he said, adding that he's "going to do a puzzle today with [his] family".
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