Getting along with colleagues as important as salary, study finds

As it turns out, good relationships with colleagues is as important as a good salary when it comes feeling happy in your job.
In celebration of International Week of Happiness at Work (September 20th to 26th), market research firm Milieu Insight released the results of their Happiness at Work survey which involved the participation of more than 6,800 professionals across Southeast Asia.
The study found that both salary and getting along with colleagues top the chart at 42 per cent, and that a close second is reasonable work arrangement (i.e. a flexible work schedule), with 35per cent of respondents saying it is what dictates whether or not they’re happy at work.
That’s not to say white-collar employees in the region aren’t happy in their jobs. In fact, the inverse is true: 80 per cent of them said that they have a sense of belonging within their company, and 78 per cent of them agreed that their companies give them what they need to do their job effectively.
But if you feel like there’s more room for you to feel better about working, you might want to cultivate stronger ties with your colleagues. Read on for tips on how you can go about doing that.
Don’t speak about people the way you wouldn’t want them speaking about you. And if you hear gossip about another colleague, don’t take part in the conversation or try to change the subject.
Maintaining a positive demeanour makes you more approachable and helps keep your colleagues motivated.
Focus on the achievements of your colleagues. This will help establish mutual support in the workplace and not only make you earn their support too, but also respect.
This article was first published in Her World Online.