'Mould' found growing in boy's ear canal, said to be due to wearing earphones too often

There is an increased need to use screen devices especially during the Circuit Breaker where kids engage in home-based learning and entertainment.
For some, these usages of screen devices are often complemented by audio devices for an enhanced experience.
The frequent use of audio devices may seem harmless but as it turns out, it may be quite dangerous, as seen in the case of a young boy who grew mould in his ear canal after allegedly wearing headphones for long periods of time.
The 10-year-old boy from Beijing complained that he was unable to hear clearly and experienced an itch in his ears.
It was brought to the attention of his mother, who then took him to Shunyi Women and Children's Hospital for a consultation, according to Chinese news outlet, ETtoday.
Upon close inspection, the doctor found an unexpected "fluff-like fungus' in the boy's ears and attributed it to the possible prolonged use of headphones.
Doing so caused a lack of ventilation in the boy's external ear canal and resultingly, raised the temperature in the canal, according to the doctor.
Coupled with moisture trapped in the ears, the "humidity and elevated temperatures" created an optimum environment for the black mould to grow.
It also did not help that the boy had the habit of picking his ears repeatedly, the doctor said, causing damage to the mucosal membrane which led to the eventual fungal ear infection or otomycosis.
Thankfully, the boy went through treatment and was cured of the infection and mould. His hearing also returned to normal.
According to the doctor, the fungal infection usually takes about three weeks to be cured with adequate treatment.
The doctor, however, warned that most fungal diseases are prone to relapse, hence proper care should be taken to prevent them.
Some of us might think it is good to keep children's ears clean and dry, not noticing that we could be over-cleaning them.
Believe it or not, ear wax is good, as long as it does not smell funny. The secretion is meant to keep the canal clean.
If you would like to know how to clean your child's ears properly and safely, here are tips based on the recommendations by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust.
This article was first published in theAsianparent.