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Quirky date ideas for couples who have been together for 10 years or more

Quirky date ideas for couples who have been together for 10 years or more
PHOTO: Instagram/The Fragment Room

When you and your other half have been together for 10 or more years, chances are, your relationship feels comfortable and lived in. Contentment is great, but it doesn’t hurt to switch things up a bit, especially when it comes to dates.

Rekindle your desire for one another and discover new things, past the conventional “wine and dine” experience. If you find yourselves stuck in a rotation of the same neighbourhood date spots over and over again (it happens to the best of us), give some of these quirky date ideas a try.

1. Rev up your relationship on the race track


After 10 years as a couple, much of your time on the road probably consists of running errands, chauffeuring the kids, and making grocery trips. How about going on a more thrilling ride? Try an adrenaline-filled karting date at the Karting Arena ($35 to $45 for first timers).

Challenge your partner to a race, because there’s nothing like friendly competition and the need for speed to spice things up. Imagine whizzing your way around corners, navigating hairpin turns, and flooring the accelerator to overtake your S.O. before the finish line.

Great for: Adrenaline junkies. And anyone who has ever daydreamed about re-enacting the iconic race car scene where you take off your helmet, shake your hair loose and look smouldering hot.

Jurong @ 511 Upper Jurong Rd, Blk B. Find out more here

2. Surprise yourselves with a juggling class

Juggling love, work, and life. You’re probably familiar with all that. Now, how about a literal juggling date? Fun, funny and challenging, a juggling workshop is a delightful activity that will have you both on your feet and falling all over the place laughing.

Throwing and picking up balls is more of a workout than you think. “You will get hot and sweaty. After 15 minutes, you will perspire. It is a surprise for everybody,” said Lim Chi Minh, known as Jimmy Juggler, who conducts 1-hour workshops. He takes you through the techniques sequentially to build up your skills and confidence from 0, so that by the end of the session you can likely juggle three balls.

Great for: Couples who are game to try something new and not take themselves too seriously. As Jimmy likes to say, “We are amongst friends. If you drop the ball, pick it up and try again.” There you have it — a relationship in a nutshell.

Find out more here

3. Have a smashing time in the rage room


Count yourself lucky for having an S.O. you can vent to. But maybe it’s time to give their ears a break, and break things in a rage room instead.

Head to The Fragment Room together, put on protective suits, grab a bat and smash cups, plates, radios, TVs, and even tables to relieve your stress. It’s thrilling to let loose like this, because face it — when else do we get to play Hulk? Certainly not in the office.

At The Fragment Room, each room is soundproofed and can fit up to two people, so feel free to scream as you break things in unison for 30 minutes straight ($75 for two people). It can be surprisingly fun as it is cathartic.

Great for: Instances when “talking it out” isn’t working for your couple’s fight. Simply redirect your frustrations at objects in the rage room.

The Fragment Room, 490 MacPherson Rd, Singapore. Find out more here

4. Dine in the dark for a sensory-rich experience


An experience at NOX – Dine in the Dark is an unusual one, where you and your date will eat in complete darkness. To maintain pitch blackness, light-producing objects (ahem, handphones) are prohibited from the dining room. Don’t fret, they will be stored safely in lockers in the lounge outside. The upside? You get to really be present throughout the dinner conversation, without once snapping a photo or checking a text.

In fact, your lack of vision can elevate the intimate experience while heightening your senses. Savour each bite of the European-inspired dishes, with tastes and textures amplified ($88++ per person for the Prix Fixe Dinner).

You and your date can have fun taking turns guessing what you’re consuming, while navigating the newness of the situation (cue: fumbling to locate your fork and trying to “touch” how much food is left on your plate). Don’t worry, a blind or visually impaired server is there to reassure and guide you along the way. If anything, you will walk away with newfound compassion toward others, delicious food in your bellies, and a shared sensory journey with your S.O. that is far from the average date.

Great for: Any couple seeking an out-of-the-box, immersive dining experience — and a chance to finally enjoy a meal without being tempted to check your phone.
NOX - Dine in the Dark, 83 Club Street, Singapore. Find out more here

5. Get your hearts pumping together on an exercise date

At first glance, this might not be out of the ordinary if you already work out together. But the key is to opt for a new-for-you fitness date. Boxing, kayaking, bouldering, aerial yoga, spin class — take your pick of unconventional fitness activities to bond over. Release feel-good endorphins as you sweat it out together on a date that’s good for your health AND your relationship.

Research shows that couples who participate in exciting, “novel” physical activities together are likelier to feel satisfied with their relationship. In short, exercising together can help you fall more in love.

Get pumped up for a “nightclub experience” like the kind that Box Office Fitness provides, with booming music from a professional sound system and lights to get you in the mood for throwing punches in a boxing-inspired workout ($38 for first timers 1-for-1).

Fancy taking your date outdoors? Book a Mangrove Kayaking trip with Adventures by Asian Detours for sweaty-yet-scenic tour through the lush green Pulau Ubin mangroves ($98 per adult). The beautiful, natural setting is the perfect backdrop for romance and adventure as you paddle your way to toned arms.  

Great for: Fitness buffs, although couples of all fitness levels are encouraged to try. Look, even if you prefer nua-ing at home, you can always Netflix and chill after a rewarding sweat session.


Box Office Fitness, 35 North Canal Rd, 03-01, Singapore 059291. Find out more here

Adventures by Asian Detours. Find out more here

6. Volunteer and make memories by giving back

Volunteering as a date transports you out of your decade-long coupledom and shifts your perspective to the outside world. When you have been focused on your other half for years, it can be refreshing to redirect your attention to others in need. For your next date, how about giving up your time to a worthy cause?

Whether it is walking for charity, visiting the elderly, or volunteering at a local animal shelter, by making a “date” out of volunteering together, you’re sure to feel good by doing good. Plus, witnessing your partner giving back can only increase your attraction to them, and vice versa.

Great for: All couples. Observing your partner’s selflessness toward others is a reminder that the world is bigger than just the two of you; and suddenly, the small annoyances and pet peeves in your relationship can seem inconsequential.

Discover opportunities to volunteer on the SG Cares website

7. Recreate your first date

If your first date feels like a million years ago, maybe it’s time to walk down memory lane to revive the sparks that made you fall in love in the first place. Dine at the same restaurant where you had smiled nervously and wondered if they really liked you (they did), if you would run out of things to talk about (you didn’t), and if there would be a kiss at the end of the night (well…). Or for the more ambitious, why not try cooking up the same meal at home for your other half?

You can also pepper in activities that you used to enjoy during your early days of courtship, be it going to concerts or exploring the city. Consider listing all the things you loved that you “used to do” — then do them, perhaps on a series of dates.

Great for: All couples. The beauty of the early dating days is that it’s the beginning of your love story, which is uniquely different than everybody else’s. So even 10 years, a home and some kids later, you can still re-experience the romance and remember that you’re the same people you were when you fell in love.

ALSO READ: How to find harmony when your tastebuds don't align with bae's

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