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Splitting bills 'not the way to go': TikTok user highlights differences between dating Singaporean and Indonesian men

Splitting bills 'not the way to go': TikTok user highlights differences between dating Singaporean and Indonesian men
PHOTO: Screengrab/TikTok/cassietj_

Singaporean guys are "more practical", whereas Indonesians put in more effort in the dating phase of a relationship.

So says Indonesian-Chinese TikTok user Cassie, who made these observations on dating Singaporean and Indonesian men, in a TikTok clip posted on March 24.

She adds that there are "pros and cons" to both.

Bolstering her case of Indonesians being "more providing", Cassie shares how the practice of splitting bills while on a date is "not the way to go" in Indonesia.

"Whereas here [in Singapore], it is quite normal," she states.

She's quick to point out though that not all Singaporean guys opt to go Dutch while on a date, admitting that she's been on dates with local men who have paid for everything.

AsiaOne has reached out to Cassie for more information, but has yet to hear back from her. 

But evidently not everyone agrees with her observations of Singaporean men, with several commenting that she has simply met the wrong guys.

Of course, some clamoured for a chance to prove her wrong.

Another suggested that the splitting of bills only occurs when the guy feels nothing towards the girl. 

However, Cassie made sure to put in a disclaimer that her conclusions are "not statistically accurate" as they are "not tested on [the] full population".

Based on other clips she's made, as well as her online bio, Cassie moved to Singapore 10 years ago and works in the corporate sector.

Her observations on daily life in Singapore and its people have also garnered traction online. 

These include the oft-heard description that Singaporeans are "very efficient", which she appreciates, especially when it comes to the language.

"I like how even when we talk, it's just short and straight to the point. For example, 'can or not?'" she says.

Something else she misses about Singapore whenever she goes back to Indonesia? The efficient system when taking the escalator, with users keeping to the left and "there's the right side if you want to go fast".


This is not the first time, however, that Cassie has touched on the topic of dating and relationships.

In another video posted earlier this month, Cassie casually hits back at a commenter who said most men would consider her "too high maintenance", alluding to why she's still single.

She refutes the accusation that women like her have standards that are too high, but she also shares that it's because they are thinking "long, long, long term, so we can have a blissful marriage".

"Sometimes… we choose to be single because we haven't met the one yet," says Cassie, emphasising in Singlish, "and of course lah, we cannot anyhow just pick right?"

"If anyhow pick, then marry, then break up, then how?"


ALSO READ: 3 Singaporean women share their worst first-date stories

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