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Bedok resident claims Food Bank's items more expensive than those in supermarkets, charity organisation responds

Bedok resident claims Food Bank's items more expensive than those in supermarkets, charity organisation responds
PHOTO: Facebook/Ang Soon Li

You might not have been able to pick and choose your groceries like you would at a supermarket, but at least you'd get them at a lower price.

Or at least that was how The Food Bank appeared to this Bedok resident until he noted an increase in prices since 2021.

"We used to go there to get food items once in a while at just $2 for an average of three items… it helped us quite a lot with our food cost," Ang Soon Li wrote in a Facebook post to Complaint Singapore in September.

"The prices increased in 2022 to $3.50 but the items were at least still somewhat worth it."

In 2023, however, he felt that the items available in The Food Bank's vending machines "simply ain't worth it" and compared the price of vegetable oil offered by the charity organisation - purportedly $3.50 - to the price of the same item at NTUC FairPrice.

"The food pantry which is supposed to help provide near-expiry food to the less well-off and those who want to help reduce food waste is now just a glorified choose-your-item food ration for beneficiaries only," he said.


Responding to queries by 8world, a spokesperson from The Food Bank said that these vending machines are intended for the use of cardholders who have registered with them via social workers.

Cardholders are mostly people in need, the spokesperson said, adding that the pricing of food items depends on the needs of the cardholders, as well as any support they receive.

These cards receive a monthly top-up equivalent to $50 in points, which used to be sufficient for 25 redemptions at The Food Bank vending machines.

However, this programme has grown to become very popular after its launch and The Food Bank is dealing with increased demand - approximately 2,000 cards have been distributed, 8world reported.

"Every time our volunteers restock the vending machines, food items are quickly redeemed. The increase in demand requires more funding and more food donations," the spokesperson explained.

The Food Bank relies on volunteers to inventory donations before transporting and stocking these machines found in 14 locations across the country.

Even before doing that, donations are a must for The Food Bank's operations - and these donations are dwindling.

Due to donor fatigue, food donations have dropped by over 50 per cent from 1.6 million kilograms in 2020, and the figure continues to dip, The Food Bank said.


In order to keep their programme running, they decided to increase the points required for redeeming items from their vending machines from $2 worth of points to $3.50 worth of points last year.

After this change, cardholders are currently able to make 14 purchases from the machine per month.

It's worth noting, however, that these $3.50 redemptions aren't necessarily of a singular item, as foods closer to their expiration dates are bundled together with each purchase.

The Food Bank also stressed that they understand that people in need of affordable food may not be able to accept this change in price, thus they're working hard on striking a balance.

They also encouraged those in need to register for the programme via social workers: "This way, they can get the assistance they need while we can help deliver targeted support more effectively.

"Our goal is to reach and provide assistance to those who are most in need."


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