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Chua Chu Kang MP rebuts accusations of him telling elderly residents to move out if they were unhappy

Chua Chu Kang MP rebuts accusations of him telling elderly residents to move out if they were unhappy
PHOTO: People's Action Party

Following a Facebook post alleging that he told a pair of elderly residents to move out, Chua Chu Kang Member of Parliament (MP) Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim has stepped out to say that wasn't the case at all.

In a Facebook post on Saturday (Aug 29), he addressed a "malicious post aimed to discredit the work done by his grassroots leaders and [him]", saying that the accusations were untrue.


A Facebook post, written by a netizen earlier on the same day, claimed that an elderly couple asked Zhulkarnain during a house visit if it was possible to build a lift at their side of the block. He allegedly told them: "If you are dissatisfied, just move out."

The netizen continued to berate the newly elected MP in the rest of the post, writing: "How dare this MP made such remarks! [sic]"

In response to the accusations, Zhulkarnain said: "Those who know me and got to know me in the course of my visits will know this is not true."

During his visits, he had taken in all of the residents' feedback and informed them that he would try his best in pressing relevant agencies for explanations and studies, he explained.

With regard to the construction of lifts in various blocks, Zhulkarnain added that he is in the process of obtaining the relevant information and floorplans to study the possibility of fulfilling residents' requests.

"Even as HDB had replied that the possibility was not high, I am committed to provide alternative solutions to the residents in order to minimise their inconvenience," he said.

Several netizens spoke up in support for Zhulkarnain, sharing their own experiences with the MP during his rounds and thanking him for his sincerity and hard work.

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