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'Don't you know how to read?' Man yells at driver caught filling Singapore-registered car with Ron95 in Malaysia

'Don't you know how to read?' Man yells at driver caught filling Singapore-registered car with Ron95 in Malaysia
Locals scolded the Singapore-registered car driver immediately.
PHOTO: Facebook

If there is one thing you are almost guaranteed to find a Singaporean doing is attempting to get things at a cheaper price.

One Singapore-registered car driver was confronted by a Malaysian immediately after being seen pumping Ron95 petrol into their vehicle.

According to Oriental Daily, the 27-second video clip circulating on Facebook shows the driver with the Singapore-registered licence plate refilling his vehicle at a petrol station when he was discovered by another man.

In the video, the local man shouted: "You are a Singaporean, why do you add yellow petrol?"

The driver stopped filling his vehicle's tank to try and explain to the other party but was only met with more scolding. 

'Don't you know how to read?'

The man then blasted: "Don't you know how to read? When you enter other countries, you should abide by the laws of that country!"

The Singapore-registered car driver was then seen leaving and walking to the petrol station's counter.

The footage did not indicate the location or time of the incident.

China Press reported that it had reached out to the netizen who posted the video for more details.

RON95 petrol is subsidised by the Malaysian government and can only be purchased by locally registered vehicles.

Foreign-registered vehicles are not allowed to be fuelled with Ron95 petrol.

ALSO READ: Singaporeans caught filling container with Ron95 in JB petrol station confronted by angry local

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