ELD refutes rumours that ink on PE2023's voting stamp could disappear

SINGAPORE — The new X-stamp provided for Presidential Election 2023 has not been treated with disappearing ink, the Elections Department (ELD) said on Thursday (Aug 31), refuting false claims circulating online.
The department said that the marks made using the X-stamp are permanent.
It also said the ink used is oil-based and is water and temperature resistant.
The ELD released a statement after it became aware of false information resurfacing online and on instant messaging platforms that the new X-stamp could be treated with disappearing ink.
"ELD would like to state categorically that this is not true. The marks made using the X-stamp are permanent," said the statement.
The new improved X-stamp is being introduced this election for voters to mark their ballot. It is wider and more clearly intended to serve as a stamp.
Use of this stamp, while encouraged, is not compulsory. Voters can bring along and use their own pens.
Self-inking pens, or X-Pens, were first introduced at GE2020. It was also meant to serve as a stamp, but some voters had tried instead to write a cross with the X-Pen.
In 2020, ELD also had to debunk false claims on Polling Day that the self-inking X-Pens provided at polling booths did not stamp properly, and would render many votes invalid.
ALSO READ: PE2023: It's my first time voting, what should I do?
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.