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'It's a breeding ground for mosquitoes': Marine Parade resident raises alarm over neighbour's plant wall

'It's a breeding ground for mosquitoes': Marine Parade resident raises alarm over neighbour's plant wall
Marine Parade resident Gulam Rasul has been troubled by his neighbour's plant wall along the corridor.
PHOTO: Facebook/Gulam Rasul

For the past three years, a Marine Parade resident has been frustrated by the wall of plants outside his neighbour's flat.

Gulam Rasul aired his gripes about the "neglected garden" on the seventh floor of Block 19 Marine Terrace on Facebook group Complaint Singapore last Wednesday (July 3). 

In his post, he pointed out that the "overgrown garden" was causing "significant" health and safety issues for the community, such as providing "a breeding ground for mosquitoes" and encroaching on the common corridor space.

Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, the 44-year-old said his neighbour, a woman, moved into the unit next door about 10 years ago and started placing plants outside the flat about three years ago.

The number of plants has since grown to cover an entire stretch of wall, including her corridor-facing windows. 

"Some of the potted plants have dried up and become flammable," said Gulam, who has been living at the block for 17 years. "There are also a lot of plastic bottles and cups piled up outside, and it's a breeding ground for mosquitoes." 

"I have children at home and am worried that the plant wall will attract mosquitoes and cause dengue fever," he lamented. 

He added that the plants have also narrowed the the corridor space, making it difficult for elderly residents to walk past. 

Gulam recalled that he once asked his neighbour to move the plants that were blocking his water pipe, which needed repair. 

"She did so, but put the plants back after a while. When I spoke to her about the plants,  she got upset and we haven't spoken since."

He said he had given feedback to the town council and National Environment Agency, but "but no improvements have been made", he wrote in his Facebook post.

'We should be more forgiving'

A few other residents whom Shin Min spoke to, however, do not seem to have issues with the plant wall. 

One resident, who also lives on the seventh floor, said she admires the plants almost daily, and does not think they cause any problems. She also sometimes takes photos of the plants and sends to her friends. 

The resident, who declined to be named, said that the plants' owner is very friendly and they often greet each other when they meet. 

"My husband uses a walking stick and he does not think that the corridor is blocked. Since we're all neighbours, we should be more forgiving."

She added that the woman was given a warning by the authorities six months ago and promised to ensure there was enough space along the corridor for others.

When Shin Min visited the unit, it was observed that more than 50 types of plants were displayed along the corridor. Some had already dried up and there were also a few pots containing only soil. 

Potted plants were also seen inside the home. The reporter knocked on the door several times, but no one answered. 

In response to AsiaOne's queries, the Marine Parade Town Council said on Tuesday (July 9) that it had previously engaged with the resident of the unit to advise them to minimise the placement of the number of plants and maintain a clean corridor. 

They noted that the resident had previously made some efforts to keep their plants properly maintained.

"We will continue to engage the owner of the unit to assist them in removing unwanted or dead plants and other items from the corridor and to further reduce the clutter," said the town council, adding that they would continue to monitor the situation. 

READ ALSO: Tampines residents place potted plants on common corridor to get back at each other

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