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Jogger shouts for help as stray dogs chase after him at Pasir Ris park, falls and gets injured

Jogger shouts for help as stray dogs chase after him at Pasir Ris park, falls and gets injured
The jogger was chased by five stray dogs and fell while running to safety.
PHOTO: TikTok/garygaryocp

[UPDATE: Nov 7]

In response to AsiaOne's queries, the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS) said it was alerted to an incident on Nov 4 where free-roaming dogs were observed to have chased a jogger along Pasir Ris Drive 3.

"AVS is aware of this pack of free-roaming dogs. We are actively trapping and carrying out surveillance in the area," said Dr Chang Siow Foong, AVS group director of community animal management.

When trapped, these dogs will be managed as part of the ongoing Trap-Neuter-Release/Rehome-Manage (TNRM) programme, which involves humanely catching free-roaming dogs and sterilising them.

"Thereafter, efforts will be made to rehome as many of the sterilised dogs as possible. Those that are unable to be rehomed will be released at suitable locations, away from residential estates, to live out their lives naturally," said Dr Chang.

He added that since the launch of the TNRM programme in 2018, more than 3,900 free-roaming dogs have been trapped, with over 60 per cent successfully rehomed or fostered.

Dogs are territorial animals and may bark in response to humans or other animals which are within or are approaching their territories and may possess an innate instinct to chase and catch things, though this behaviour varies in intensity and not all dogs would display such characteristics

"Although some free-roaming dogs may chase after fast-moving objects, they tend to be wary of humans and usually stay out of their way. They may also approach people, using their sense of smell to gather information about their surroundings," said Dr Chang.

Members of the public who encounter free-roaming dogs are advised not to stare at them, speak softly and walk away slowly without making any sudden movements. If help is needed, they can call the Animal Response Centre at 1800-476-1600 or contact

A casual jog at the park suddenly turned into an intense sprint for one jogger when several stray dogs started chasing him.

His frantic bid at escaping was posted to TikTok by user Garygaryocp, who told AsiaOne that the video was filmed by an anonymous eyewitness at around 10.40pm near Pasir Ris Drive 3 on Saturday (Nov 4) and sent to him.

In the full one-minute clip seen by AsiaOne, the strays were first seen wandering around the quiet path before the lone jogger appears.

As the jogger runs past, the dogs start barking loudly and bound after him and the man hastily speeds up and races away with five dogs in hot pursuit.


The clip then cuts off with the jogger bolting out of sight while screaming as the dogs continue their chase.

In a follow-up video posted today (Nov 6), Gary said that the "brave" jogger eventually ran to safety, albeit sustaining a few cuts and scrapes in the process.

"Subsequently he fell and suffered cuts on his hand, elbow and knees," wrote Gary. "Fortunately, after his fall, the dogs left."

He told AsiaOne that "stray dogs can be seen roaming around frequently" at the area, though the dogs are "pretty mobile and not always at the same location".

According to Gary, the dogs have chased others before and this incident is "not the first time". He also pointed out that the stray dogs "could pose a real danger to children or elderlies".

Some cyclists have previously warned about a pack of stray dogs spotted at Lorong Halus in Pasir Ris back in 2021. 

While some netizens were tickled by the jogger's swift speed after the dogs gave chase, others said that he should have stood his ground and not run away.

According to AVS, stray dogs may be seen roving in packs, foraging for food and looking for shelter. Most stray dogs are scared of humans and are quick to stay out of the way, though some may approach and sniff passers-by. 

Members of the public should stay calm and not run if they encounter a stray dog as the dogs may give chase. Instead, one should fold their arms in front and walk slowly in the opposite direction at a constant pace, according to AVS.

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