NEA, SFA to take enforcement action after finding rat infestation at Tangs Market's ceiling

The National Environment Agency (NEA) and Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said they will be taking enforcement action after finding a rat infestation in the ceiling of Tangs Market food court.
In to a joint statement on Tuesday (Nov 28), the two agencies said their officers conducted two rounds of joint inspection at Tangs Market after a video of a twitching rat on a food tray made its rounds on social media.
Officers from both agencies also inspected takeaway food shops as well as common areas and the ceiling for signs of pest and rat infestation.
NEA will be taking enforcement action against building management for the rat infestation found in ceiling areas, while SFA will take action against five food shops found with hygiene lapses.
"Food safety and vector control is a joint responsibility," the statement reads. "While agencies put in place and enforce regulatory measures, operators and premise owners must play their part too.
"SFA and NEA will continue to monitor the effectiveness of measures taken by the parties involved to safeguard food safety and eradicate the rodent issue."
ALSO READ: Twitching rat on food tray at Tangs Market shocks diners, SFA investigating incident
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