SINGAPORE - The distribution of TraceTogether tokens, which has been ongoing at 38 community centres (CCs) for the past six weeks, has been temporarily suspended so that the tokens can be distributed one constituency at a time.
This is to prevent long queues from forming at certain CCs, which happened last weekend following the announcement that the TraceTogether app or token will be required for SafeEntry check-ins across a range of popular venues by end-December.
The Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) on Tuesday (Oct 27) said the new mode of distribution will begin on Thursday, starting with Marsiling CC.
CCs in other constituencies will be progressively opened for token collection between October and December, alongside CCs that opened earlier.
"By the second half of December, all CCs will be opened for collection, including the initial 38 CCs. Residents in the 38 CCs who have not collected their tokens during the first collection wave will be able to do so at that time," said SNDGO.
SNDGO also said on Monday that people should collect their TraceTogether tokens only from CCs in their own constituencies.
The office said that all constituencies will be served in due course and urged members of the public to wait for the collection exercise to start in their constituencies.
Checking in using the TraceTogether token or app, dubbed TraceTogether-only SafeEntry, will be enforced only after everyone who needs a token has had a chance to collect one, SNDGO said.
The office added that people can use either the app or token for TraceTogether-only SafeEntry check-in as they serve the same function of recording close contact data.
"There is no need to collect the token if you are already using the TraceTogether app, or are able to download it," said SNDGO.
Members of the public can check the TokenGoWhere website to find their designated collection venue and the full collection schedule.
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This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.