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Top 3 most affordable golf clubs in Singapore

Top 3 most affordable golf clubs in Singapore

Top 3 most affordable golf clubs in Singapore
PHOTO: Pexels

Golf club memberships are known for being exclusive, expensive, and loaded with complex terms and conditions.

Below we break down the many types of memberships available in Singapore, with the top three most affordable golf clubs based on each membership type so that you can pick the one that fits you best.

Golf club memberships: How to get the best deal

Golf clubs in Singapore offer various types of memberships and different pricing plans, with most making distinctions based on marital and legal status, as well as working status. In addition, most require you to pay monthly subscription fees and a deposit. So let's break down the fees below:

  • Membership types:
    • Ordinary membership: Access to club amenities and golf courses.
    • Social membership: Access to club amenities but no golfing privileges.
    • Corporate membership: Access to the club by being nominated by your company.
    • Term membership: Limited one to two year membership, with golfing privileges.
  • Pricing breakdown:
    • Local individual: For SG citizens and permanent residents
    • Foreign individual: For foreign citizens
    • Monthly subscription Fees: These tend to vary by club, and can sometimes be broken down by marital status, with married people paying higher fees.

Ordinary memberships

Having broken down all the relevant golf membership fees, it's time to focus on those which are more affordable.

Top three cheapest golf club memberships

Orchid Country Club seems to be the most affordable golf club, particularly when you consider its OCC Silver 2023, Gold 2023 and Silver 2030 memberships.

One reason why the plans are so affordable is because the Silver and Gold 2023 memberships expire in 2023. Other factors which also play a role are the quality and size of the golf courses and other amenities.

Membership type Annual price Green fees Buggy fee Total annual price
OCC Silver 2023 $3,012 $1,404 ($39/game) $900 ($25/game) $5,316
OCC Silver 2030 $3,493.50 $1,404 (S$39/game) $900 ($25/game) $5,797.50
OCC Gold 2023 $9,646 $0 $900 (S$25/game) $10,546

In addition to the annual cost above, you also need to consider green fees and buggy fees. Green fees are free for gold memberships, but vary in price for silver memberships.

Depending on whether you want to play on weekdays (mornings are cheaper than afternoons) or weekends, prices range from $32 to $70 per game.

The total annual prices above include most listed fees, and assume three visits per month to the golf course on weekday afternoons. The cheapest membership plan will cost $443 per month including most fees.

Top three cheapest golf clubs

When analysing regular memberships, which grant full access to golfing and social facilities on weekdays and weekends, Orchid Country Club, Keppel Club and Warren Golf & Country Club offer the cheapest memberships.

While Orchid Country Club waives its green fees for the Gold 2023 membership, allowing guests to play as often as they want to while only having to pay buggy fees, the fact that it only offers nine-hole courses can be a substantial limitation for many golfers.

Membership type Annual price Subscription fees Green fees Total annual price
OCC Gold 2023 $8,560 $1,086 $0 $9,646
Keppel Club $9,000 $1,091 $5,778 $15,869
Warren GCC $10,000 $2,054 $3,852 $15,906

Term memberships

Some golf clubs also offer term memberships, which allows you to join for a period of one to two years. Below are the top three most affordable golf clubs with one year term memberships.

Membership type Annual price Subscription fee Green fee Total annual price
OCC Weekday Term Golfing Membership $3,210 $0 $1,404 $4,614
Seletar Lifestyle Membership $3,210 $0 $4,160 $7,370
OCC Term Individual Local Golfing (Gold) $9,630 $0 $0 $9,630

The three term memberships listed above can only be used on weekdays, but they have two additional privileges: They don't have any monthly subscription fees and they offer free membership for members' spouses and children below 21 years.

In addition, Seletar Lifestyle Membership is the only golf club membership that foreigners can join for the same prices as Singapore citizens and permanent residents.

The OCC Individual Local Golfing Membership also stands out from the three as the only one which also waives green fees, a great option if you plan on regularly coming to the golf course.

For example, in order for OCC Weekday Term Membership to equal the OCC Term Membership, you need to play 164 games per year, or 13 games each month.

Similarly, the break even point for Seletar Lifestyle Membership is 55 games per year, or four games per month.

For those looking to play no more than three times per month, OCC Weekday Term Membership is the best choice. If you're looking to play at least 13 games each month, on weekdays and weekends, then OCC Term Membership is the way to go.

While Seletar's green fees are higher, it offers 18-hole courses, great facilities for your entire family and is best fit for professional golfers.

Visitor's pass

Another option available to those who would like to start playing golf but don't want to commit to a term or regular membership is purchasing a visitor's pass.

This is an affordable option for those who don't play often and don't mind having to book in advance or face time constraints.

Another option is to attend as a guest of someone who is already a member. You will still have to pay green fees, although slightly lower than those for visitors.

Also, keep in mind that all guests and visitors without a valid handicap have to undergo a Certification to Playtest ($10.70) at the club prior to being allowed on the course.

Golf club Weekday morning Weekday afternoon Buggy fee
OCC $4,500/yr $5,000/yr $900/yr
Keppel $7,200/yr $5,000/yr included in the green fees
Warren $7,704/yr $7,704/yr $1,155.60/yr

Final verdict

Category Golf club Restrictions Benefits Annual fee
Cheapest overall (local) OCC Weekday Term Golfing Membership Weekday golfing only No subscription fee $4,614
Cheapest overall (foreign) Seletar Lifestyle Membership Weekday golfing only No subscription fee $7,370
Best value for golf enthusiasts (one year term only) OCC Term Individual Local Golfing (Gold) None Waived green fees & full golf club access $9,630
Best value for golf enthusiasts Keppel Club None Full golf club access $15,869

The most affordable golf club largely depends on your profile, how often you are looking to play, how advanced you are and the time period you are willing to commit to.

For those looking to play no more than three times per week, and don't want a substantial commitment, OCC Weekday Term Golfing Membership at an annual fee of $4,614 is the cheapest and best option.

Unlike regular memberships, this term membership has no subscription fee and is only for a one year term. The downsides are that green fees and buggy fees still apply, and you will only have weekday golfing privileges.

In addition, this club only offers three nine-hole courses, as opposed to most golf clubs offering 18 holes.

If you are not a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, then Seletar Lifestyle Membership will be of most value to you.

For a total annual fee of $7,370 it is the most affordable golf club which charges both foreigners and citizens equal fees, although as most term memberships it only offers weekday golfing privileges.

If you are an enthusiastic golfer looking to play as often as possible but don't want a lengthy commitment, then OCC Term Individual Local Golfing (Gold) Membership will be your best fit.

At $9,630 it not only waives green fees, but it also grants its members full access to all of the Club's golfing and social facilities, meaning no restrictions as to when you can play.

For those looking to play consistently and willing to commit to a long-term membership, then Keppel Club is the way to go. At $15,869 per year, this oldest golf and social club in Singapore is a truly iconic establishment serving four generations of members.

With its golf courses winning awards for their landscape and design, this is undoubtedly the place for golf enthusiasts.

This article was first published in ValueChampion.

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